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TSI 发动机废气排放颗粒物粒径谱仪(EEPS-3090) 原版说明书

下载次数:213 浏览次数:709发布时间:2015-11-16 15:40
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 Four Analog Outputs

EEPS™ Model 3090 spectrometers now come standard with four configurable analog outputs. These

analog outputs offer users a convenient way to incorporate particle emission measurements into the

dynamometer host data collection system.

Each analog output operates independently, and is configurable for size range, weighting and

concentration range using a linear or log scale output.

→Size Range: Adjustable, single channel output only up to full range (5.6nm – 562.3nm)

→Weighting: Number, Surface Area, Volume, Mass, Custom

→Concentration: Concentration (dN), Normalized Concentration (dN/dlogDp)

An example where a user might be interested to set a defined size range would be to output

measurements of either the accumulation mode particles (i.e., soot) or the nucleation mode particles

(SOF). Spin buttons in the software make it easy to select standard EEPS™ spectromenter channel

boundaries, or specific sizes can be entered.


The calculations for determining the output voltages for any choice of setting are based on the formulas

shown below. The concentration calculation is based on summed concentrations in each EEPS™

spectrometer size channel (or portion of a size channel) to cover the total size range multiplied by a

diameter weighting (diameter to some power) and multiplied by appropriate constants for the selected

weighting and other settings:


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